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Thursday, November 29, 2007

10 things to do in Nov 2/2

前回の続きです。 残りの5項目。

6. Drink green tea (緑茶を飲もう)

Green tea has a lot going for it. It's a calorie-free, antioxidant-rich thirst quencher that's said to increase your metabolism and help your body burn fat -- and it offers enough caffeine to boost your energy without the extreme highs and lows you get from coffee.

7. Start your Christmas shopping (クリスマスショッピングを始めよう)

There's nothing like the stress of an incomplete shopping list to dampen your holiday spirit.

8. Go for whole grains (穀物をたくさん摂ろう)

Pay attention to your grain intake, and try upping the level of whole grains in your diet by using whole wheat pasta, brown rice and bread made from whole wheat flour.

If you (or your family) really prefer the taste of white, then use a blend -- mix white and brown rice or pasta, for instance, or make sandwiches with one slice of white and one slice of whole wheat bread.

9. Get outside (外に出よう)

Sure, it's getting chilly out, but that's no reason to start hibernating just yet.
Take advantage of any good weather by spending time outdoors.

10. Downsize your dishes (お皿のサイズを小さくしよう)

Take advantage of this trick of psychology by using smaller plates and bowls for your food.You don't have to worry about going hungry -- if you clear your plate and still want more, you can always go back for seconds. But you may be surprised by how much your portion sizes decrease.




Monday, November 26, 2007

10 things to do in Nov 1/2


"10 things to do in November" 




Try these 10 ideas for small improvements you can makein your day-to-day life. Your body and mind will thank you.

1. Buy a plant (植物を買おう)

Now that it's cold out, you're probably not opening the windows and letting in fresh air as often as you'd like,and that means your indoor air quality is suffering.

Compensate by adding a houseplant or two to your decor.

2. Make a pot of soup (スープを作ろう)

Nothing warms you up on a chilly day like a steaming bowl of homemade soup.

3. Stretch (ストレッチをしよう)

Make sure to stretch all your major muscles after every workout, and consider adding stretch breaks throughout your day to keep muscles and joints limber.

4. Assess your beverage intake (飲料の摂取を考えよう)

Try paying attention to what you drink in a day, and figure out where you can cut back without noticing. Have sparkling water at lunch, for instance, instead of a can of pop, and go for skim milk in your cappuccinos.

5. Kill germs (病原菌を殺そう)

Along with washing your hands often and taking care of your immune system, make sure to disinfect around your home and office.


